renovart pub rentrée
pub hormann 2018

Openings and closings by Mieux Vivre stores et Fermetures for a better life

Mieux Vivre Stores et Fermetures, located in Draguignan, is specialized in instalation of hight quality windows, doors, blinds, garage doors, and gates.

Mieux Vivre Stores et Fermetures  provides and instal windows and blinds in the Var (Provence). Interior or exterior blinds, our many colorfull products will perfectly match with your garden or home interior design.
Mieux Vivre Stores et Fermetures has the Eco Artisan qualification with EGR mention (Recognized Guarantor of the Environment).

Video of Mieux Vivre Stores et fermetures


Find us!

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58 Voie Georges Pompidou,
83300 Draguignan

Tél. : 04 94 68 78 63
Fax : 04 94 47 09 47
Mail :

Horraires d'ouverture:
du lundi au vendredi:
- 8h30 / 12h00
- 14h00 / 17h30
le samedi matin
- 9h00 / 12h00 sur rendez-vous